

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Season Of Blogging!

Well I have always wanted to do a Blog & have been told numerous times by my friend SheriLynn that I should, but I didn't think anyone would read it!
Recently I wrote a short facebook update on our family adventure to Midland & I had to delete SEVERAL things from it because it wouldn't fit on my Facebook comment space! I edited as best as I could to still keep it interesting & thought the usually few family members would comment, but suprisingly I got a lot more than normal. Then I had lots of people come up to me & ask me about the post, so I figured....What the Heck! I love to write, So I might as well share my crazy stories with everyone :)
So I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing it! :)

Here's the FaceBook version of our family adventure to Midland just in case you missed it...........
‎1st trip without our minivan..1st time for the kids to b crammed in a backseat!"She's looking at me,He won't get off my lap,He's talking too loud,etc.." Then Jason says he has to throwup!Jeremy slams on his breaks on the hwy & yells "GET OUT" Jason freaks out opens the door & stands there holding his mouth,Then Blagh!I kept repeating in my head Trace Adkins"You're Gonna Miss This"I'm not so sure about that Trace,LOL

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