

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Where our Season First Started

Last weekend we celebrated the 20 year reunion with Harvest Time Church in Midland. We saw SO many friends that we haven’t seen in YEARS! It was great. It almost seemed like a high school reunion except for the fact that I didn’t feel like I had to dress a certain way to be approved or worry about who was gonna be there. It was all just about love and unity.

Krista and Me when I was 14 at a HTC Valentine Banquet :)


Late Night Taco Villa Reunion :)

I started going to Harvest Time Church when I was 13 years old, I met this crazy youth group at youth camp & fell in love with them! After that summer I was hooked and begged my parents to let me go to their church. They agreed with conditions of Sunday nights & Wednesday nights. I took what I could get, some of my BEST memories I had was of my time at that church,  Including getting married & having all 3 of my children dedicated there.
Crystal, Amber & Me

Nettie, Rachel, Me and Amber
Jadyn, me and Mom at the Harvest Time  Reunion Brunch
Me, SheriLynn, Stacey, Kayla, Krista, and Amber
Ambers Girls & My Girls....Aren't they Pretty :)
You can't go to Midland without getting a Snowcone from Desert Snow!!!

Bryleigh, Maddie & Addie, Friends since the HTC Nursery :)


 It made me think of how the beginning of our Summers Family Season started. Our first church building had ugly brown walls and big gold pews that went nicely with the yellow brown carpet.  I was 15 years old and it was a Sunday evening service. I remember we were all standing up and singing praise and worship songs. A family walked in and all I saw was a guy in a black leather jacket, and he was SO “FINE”!  Haha, I thought the word “Fine” for a guy would never go out of style, but it sounds so corny now!  I literally turned to my friend and said, “Look at that guy that just walked in! He is SO FINE” I then let everyone around me know that I saw him first and they needed to back off, LOL.
After church we met the new family and I found out the “Fine” guys name was Jeremy. I made sure he knew I existed by inviting him to “Pinocchio’s Pizza” and to ALL the youth functions we had at church! We dated off and on for a couple years then finally he came to his senses and realized no one could compare to me and he proposed, LOL.
We couldn’t afford to get married right away so we waited a year. That gave my parents PLENTY of time to get everything they needed. Including a trip (without me) to Mexico with my aunt to get flowers and decorations. I remember thinking....shouldn't I be going too? But all I was asked is "What colors do you want for your wedding?" and they took care of the rest! I was a little worried, being the simple girl that I am. But, SURPRISINGLY it was all beautiful, nothing too fancy just simple enough making it a perfect day.

I remember the day Jeremy proposed to me. He was acting very strange & insisted that we went swimming. We got ready to go to the pool at his sister Misty’s apartment and when we got there, it was closed. He tried to convince me to sneak in and go swimming anyway….me being the rule follower said NO!
So he then insisted we go back to his house where he had a small kiddie pool for his niece and nephew. You know the kind you see at events that have little rubber ducks inside that you toss a ring around their neck? That’s the one!  I believe it was blue with little turtles on it; He climbed right inside and grabbed my hand trying very hard to get me to join him. I did not understand why on earth he would think it was fun to stick our ankles in a puddle of water! He must have been one smooth talker because
I stepped in, then he insisted I sit down. It took a little longer to convince me to do that but I eventually did. He kept fidgeting with his swim shorts & inside I noticed he had a little pocket. He reached in the pocket and with a HUGE cheesy smile he proposed. I honestly don’t remember his exact words… I think I was still trying to understand why on earth I was sitting in my swimsuit in the backyard in a little kiddie pool!!! The ring was BURNING a hole in his swim short pocket and he HAD to give it to me right then & there, LOL. I remember him telling me afterwards all these AWESOME ways he wanted to taking me to the movie & then having "Will you marry me Lisette" pop up on the screen!  Wow, why on earth would he want to do that when he could just jump in a kiddie pool & do it that way instead! LOL

Me and Jeremy when we were Dating

After the BIG day, We had a relaxing trouble-free honeymoon in SanAntonio.  We didn’t really plan much… our main goal was to go to Fiesta Texas, SeaWorld, and Schlitterbahn, WOW, how exciting!!!! I was 19 and he was 21, 2 kids going to play at the amusement parks,LOL.  After we went to San Antonio we ventured to the big D (Dallas) and went to Medieval Times. We were easily amused and didn't have a care in the world! We had so much fun on our honeymoon; even though we didn’t do much….just being together was all we really cared about.  
We also had our 14th Anniversary last week, and to celebrate we went to 6flags water park Hurricane Harbor. And just like those 2 young kids 14 years ago we rode all the rides and had just as much fun!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Season Of Blogging!

Well I have always wanted to do a Blog & have been told numerous times by my friend SheriLynn that I should, but I didn't think anyone would read it!
Recently I wrote a short facebook update on our family adventure to Midland & I had to delete SEVERAL things from it because it wouldn't fit on my Facebook comment space! I edited as best as I could to still keep it interesting & thought the usually few family members would comment, but suprisingly I got a lot more than normal. Then I had lots of people come up to me & ask me about the post, so I figured....What the Heck! I love to write, So I might as well share my crazy stories with everyone :)
So I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy writing it! :)

Here's the FaceBook version of our family adventure to Midland just in case you missed it...........
‎1st trip without our minivan..1st time for the kids to b crammed in a backseat!"She's looking at me,He won't get off my lap,He's talking too loud,etc.." Then Jason says he has to throwup!Jeremy slams on his breaks on the hwy & yells "GET OUT" Jason freaks out opens the door & stands there holding his mouth,Then Blagh!I kept repeating in my head Trace Adkins"You're Gonna Miss This"I'm not so sure about that Trace,LOL