

Friday, September 14, 2012

A year gone by!

Wow, I can't believe it has been Over a YEAR since I last posted!!!
Our Year has been filled with many ups and downs, a few more downs than ups but nothing we couldn't handle with God and a solid family :)

I will start with July 2011, Jeremy’s Grandpa Bill went home to Heaven. He was very ready to go. One of my fun memories of Grandpa Bill is when Jeremy and I were dating and they would go out of town for the weekend he would pay me $100 to watch their dog Mutt. All I had to do was feed him and sneak him some Advil in a banana, it was a fun way to make a quick buck! I lost my grandparents at a young age and him and grandma Dawna treated me just like one of their grandkids from the very beginning. He  always gave great hugs and was very encouraging over the years, he  is definitely missed! It’s sad when your loved ones leave but it is also a blessing to be able to catch up and spend time with your family that you haven’t seen in a long time.  And of coarse it makes you more appreciative of the wonderful family we have.

August 2011 we started our adventure in Foster Care. It was not the dream we thought it would be. Helping Children on their path in life with the beautiful goal of them finding a happy family to live happily ever after with.  I learned that the foster care system is rough and the people that try to help these kids unfortunately don’t always care who they hurt in the process. Our family learned some hard lessons through those 7 months. There are unfortunatly SO many kids in the system and they need help. Our family was not ready for the difficulties that came with other children in the home and our kids did not know how to adjust to the trials that us parents had to face to take care of them.  If I had it to do all over again I would have made much better choices. Having young kids and doing foster care did not work for us, but God is good and we have moved forward, and when the time is right and our kids are grown we will venture there again…maybe J
January 2012 my dad had a stroke, he was in the hospital for a few weeks and a couple months of therapy in an assisted living home.  We were very fortunate that he has only suffered short term memory loss and a little vision loss in his right eye.  In this process my brothers and I convinced my mom to move to Dallas with me J
So in April my dad moved in and my mom packed up her house and moved in shortly after.  It was a fun 4 months but our house just wasn’t made for 7 people,lol. They just recently closed on the purchase of a new house and moved in on Sunday. It is a great feeling knowing that my parents are just a couple blocks away and my kids can visit them any time they want!
In July 2012 we decided to start our adventure with snow cones! That will be a separate blog J

So that’s it for now, a year flown by with many ups and downs, we grow stronger and learn from every step.